I wanted to give everyone a heads-up about an important fork in the road we are approaching.
Sometime in the coming weeks or months, I will be making the decision to either continue toward production of THE STORYteller audio series, or move instead toward making more weekly/monthly content for Patrons and the public.
This coming Wednesday, September 18th I will post a video at patreon.com/spiritbladeproductions explaining the reasons for considering this change, and give an idea of the possible content I could create as an alternative to continuing with THE STORYteller series.
Then, on Thursday September 19th, from 6pm-7pm Pacific, I will host an All-Patrons Discord Voice Hangout with the primary purpose of hearing from all Patrons about this potential new direction and answering any questions they might have. (Any extra time beyond doing that I'll be happy to just hang out and chat!)
Finally, on Friday, September 20th, I will launch a Patron-only poll at patreon.com/spiritbladeproductions to collect Patron feedback about which path they would like me to take. This won't exactly be a vote, as I ultimately need to make the decision I think is best for the future of Spirit Blade Productions and Christian Geek Central. But the feedback I receive through that poll will have a huge influence on whatever choice I make.
So please stay tuned and prepare to make your voice heard! For more information about becoming a Patron of Spirit Blade Productions, visit patreon.com/spiritbladeproductions
Thank you!
-Paeter Frandsen


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