Join The Christian Geek Central Extra-Life Team! @ExtraLife4Kids #extralife

I've set up the Christian Geek Central Extra Life Page!

For those unfamiliar, Extra Life is a charity event that raises money for children whose parents cannot afford the critical medical treatment they need. The treatments cover a wide range of issues, from cancer to injuries and other diseases. Participants also choose a local affiliated hospital to raise funds for, so your efforts directly impact your own community. This will be my sixth year participating in Extra Life and I've found it to be a great way to combine my love of video games with the urgent Biblical call to care for the hurting and helpless.

Participating only requires a willingness to ask friends and family to consider contributing to your fundraising efforts. Just a few e-mails and that's it!

Now of course, that's not the fun part. The fun part (which isn't required... but is FUN!!) is doing something game-related to draw attention to your fundraising. You could invite friends/family or your church group over for a game night and let them know you'll be setting a bowl out for donation to the cause. You could reserve a room at your church for a similar kind of game night. Or like millions of participants over the years, you can do a big gaming marathon that you tell everyone about, performing it in chunks over several days, or even a 24-hour game-a-thon, like I do each year! (And if you're into streaming, you can stream your marathon for added exposure!)

Anyone thinking of joining the Christian Geek Central team this year? Any questions or concerns about the idea? I'm here to help and would love to have you on the team!

-Paeter Frandsen


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