"That Dragon Cancer" Documentary on PBS, 10/24!

"That Dragon Cancer" is a video game that chronicles the experience of a Christian family dealing with their son's tragic battle with cancer. Ryan and Amy Green, the creators (and subjects) of the game, recently announced news of a "making of" documentary about the game being scheduled for PBS air time:

While we were creating That Dragon, Cancer we were contacted by a pair of filmmakers from Brooklyn. David Osit and Malika Zouhali-Worrall wanted to tell the story of the creation of That Dragon, Cancer.  They spent time filming our family and captured many precious moments during the last two years of Joel's life.  Thank You for Playing is the documentary film they created. It gives viewers a glimpse into our family and real life story behind the video game.  

Thank You For Playing Airs Monday, October 24th on PBS. Will you host a viewing party? Invite a few friends or family members over to watch the Documentary on television with you. Serve dessert and share intimate conversation inspired by the film. Check your local PBS listings for the specific time. If you can't watch Thank You for Playing on PBS, it is available to rent or purchase on Amazon, Vimeo, Steam and other retailers.

"Thank You For Playing" Trailer:


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