Help Choose The New CGC T-Shirt!

Our classic T-Shirt Design (pictured above) isn't going away, but I'd like to add a new option to the mix... with your help!

The idea for the new shirt is simple: add a caption to this image:

The final version will actually be all white against a solid color (as in the original T-Shirt), but the design will be the same.

What can you imagine this character saying? What would you like to say to represent Christian Geeks at your local church, hobby store or game night?

I'd like the text to avoid being combative, defensive or preachy. The aim is to be light-hearted and fun and represent Christian Geeks in a humble and possibly humorous way. Here are the current ideas:

Volleyball? Let's KILL DRAGONS after youth group! 

We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall. - Prov. 16:33 (NLT) 

Someone finally made a T-shirt for us! 

Seek the truth! 

Men's Retreat? I thought we were LARPing? 

Women's Retreat? I thought we were LARPing? 

Does anyone else think of The Borg during "call and response"?

I don't consider writing is my strength, so I'd love to get your suggestions!

You can contribute your thoughts on our dedicated forum thread for this topic.



  1. Kim and I had a few ideas:

    #1: What would Jesus roll?

    #2: What would Jesus wield?

    #3: In Christ, there is neither DC nor Marvel, Advanced nor 3rd Edition, Kirk nor Picard

  2. #1 (This Conan the Barbarian parody is a front/back concept don't know if that is feasible)
    Front: "What is best in life?"
    Back: "Forgive your enemies, see them delivered before you, and to hear the exultation of their women"

    #2 "You killed the NPC! Make a forgiveness roll while I check my eManuel"

    #3 "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this Sword of Truth"


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