Untold Podcast 15 - Look Both Ways

Story: "Look Both Ways" by Winston Crutchfield
Genre: Mystery, Strange
Rating: PG-13 

Lizzie sees time differently. 
But how does she use this ability? 

"Look Both Ways" by Winston Crutchfield
Critical Press Media

Open Submissions:
Fishers of Men
fisher of men has left his old life behind and embarked upon a new calling into unfamiliar territory at the express behest of a higher power. Stories suitable for this project will include a character who undergoes a life-altering experience that directly results in his decision to leave behind his old life. (Note: Submissions are still open as of November 18, 2013)

Story: "Look Both Ways" by Winston Crutchfield
Genre: Mystery, Strange
Rating: PG-13

Lizzie sees time differently. But how does she use this ability?

Look Both Ways - Winston Crutchfield
- See more at: http://www.untoldpodcast.com/#sthash.wZaNB4ng.dpuf


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