Why Extra-Life Instead Of Another Charity/Ministry?

I thought I might take a minute and answer what may be an unspoken question of yours. "Why is Christian Geek Central fundraising for 'Extra-Life' instead of something else?"

Maybe you have a particular passion for feeding the hungry, or caring for orphans. Maybe, like me, you especially love organizations that care for the practical needs of others, but also specifically share the love of Jesus at the same time. I believe that God is sovereign, and will be glorified even when we don't intend it, and that he'll reveal himself even through work not stamped with a "Christian" label. But I CAN understand having a special desire for the Gospel to be shared with those who are hurting.

Extra-Life doesn't do that. But it does something unique that no other charity I know of does. It specifically engages geeks in thinking outside of themselves.

I've been a geek since before I knew what a geek was, and long before it was ever "cool". (Although in my opinion, TRUE geekery is un-cool by definition. But that's another topic.) I'm also helping to lead an online community of Christians geeks as we all endeavor to engage more and more with the will of Christ.

But something true of many geeks (certainly true of myself) is a tendency toward self-absorption and seclusion. Not necessarily out of a dislike of others. Sometimes out of self-defense due to past wounds, and sometimes just because we love our hobbies so much we're largely content to be left alone with them and not stay in touch with the world around us.

Extra-Life, I believe, is a great "first step" or "practice" in selflessness for many geeks who find it difficult to set aside comforts to think of others first. (And again, I count myself among that group!) It involves some personal stretching, since it's difficult and awkward to ask people for money. And yet it's enticing, since it's a great excuse to plan a special gaming event, like a 24-hour marathon.

We already have more people involved in the CGC Extra-Life Team than we had at this time last year, and I hope that number will continue to grow each year as our community grows in both numbers and maturity. And in the meantime I want to both lead the charge with my involvement and be stretched a bit myself.

Maybe you can't fit anything extra in your schedule right now, and that's totally understandable. But if you'd like to play a part in encouraging the selflessness of some Christian Geeks who are aiming to live life a little more on purpose than yesterday(in ADDITION to helping kids in need receive urgent medical care!), there is still time to donate any amount to our team's fundraising  efforts. http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.teamParticipants&teamID=23583

Then don't forget you can tune in anytime on Saturday November 7th for my 24-hour video game marathon at christiangeekcentral.com and twitch.tv/christiangeekcentral!

Thanks for your consideration!



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