This June we are kicking off "Agape Geekout", a movement we hope will grow exponentially over time. Agape- A New Testament Greek noun meaning "affection, good will, love, benevolence, brotherly love". Agape is love that prioritizes others over oneself. An AGAPE GEEKOUT is a geeky AFK (Away From Keyboard) event you invite others to participate in that raises funds and awareness for a ministry endeavor of your choice. It can be something as small and simple as inviting a few friends over for a double-feature geek movie night, or something more extravagant, like a big table-top gaming event at your church! The possibilities are endless! The most important thing is connecting, in person, with fellow Christians and inviting them to get involved in ministry that tangibly expresses love and compassion to others. (As an added bonus, AGAPE GEEKOUTS can be a great way to raise awareness and acceptance of geeks in your local church community!) You can host an AGAPE GE...