
The very best way to support Christian Geek Central is through our Patreon at

There you will find numerous levels of involvement to choose from, all of which include exclusive benefits and content for you! It's also the best way to keep tabs on what Paeter is working on and what he hopes to do in the future!

We will also gratefully accept any donation amount you'd like to give. Use the donation button below to choose and donate any amount as a one-time gift.

Why Are We Inviting Donations?

Our aspirations are always equal to or greater than our income. There is so much that we would like to offer to the world of Christian geeks, but time and finances are a constant limitation.

Current Needs (Updated July 2021):

 Each month Paeter usually reviews several movies, premium TV Shows and sometimes video games (that he would otherwise wait to see/play for less money, or not see/play at all) in order to produce timely and helpful  reviews. (Tickets are about $9 for each movie, streaming services range from $6-$14, and game rentals are around $10-$15) Our hosting costs for the website and podcast together are about $25 per month. Paeter would also like to create a budget for reviewing board games, which are usually very costly.

It's also Paeter's desire to financially support his family and allow his wife to cut back and eventually eliminate her need to work. Since 2006, Holly Frandsen has sacrificially chosen to work a job she would rather not. She exclusively provides income for the Frandsen family because she believes in the vision and mission of Spirit Blade Productions. It is only because of this that Spirit Blade Productions has been able to continue and move forward since launching in 2006.

Our Commitment

At Spirit Blade Productions, we believe that supporting your local church should be the primary focus of your giving. We are also not a non-profit organization, and cannot offer tax deductions as incentive for your help. But we would be grateful for any support you choose to offer outside of your regular church giving, and will use every penny donated to equip, encourage and inspire Christian geeks to serve and live for Christ.

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