Gotham, Agents Of SHIELD and Game Emulation Part 3 (SBU Podcast)

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Some thoughts on the "Gotham" tv series premiere, the Agents Of SHIELD season premiere and the conclusion of our look at game emulation and abandonware. Plus, a "Summer Of Free" Aftershock!

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The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast is written, recorded and produced by Paeter Frandsen, with additional segments produced by their credited authors. Copyright 2014, Spirit Blade Productions Music by Wesley Devine, Bjorn A. Lynne, Pierre Langer, Jon Adamich and Sound Ideas. Spazzmatica Polka by Kevin MacLeod ( effects provided by: FreqMan



  1. I am not a Batman fan. I like the Nolan movies, and I watched Adam West, back in the day; I like the genre, but the caped crackpot himself just doesn't interest me... Batman vs Superman: Superman punches him and knocks his face through his head and into the county behind him...why is there any debate here?
    SO, having said that, I went into Gotham with low expectations. The pilot was okay... interesting enough to come back for the next episode, but I was perfectly willing to walk away. Fast forward a few episodes, and I am a Gotham fan. When some dude says his name, I still only know him by that name: I have no idea what that means in the greater scheme of Batman canon, but I don't care.
    Now, I think it is /more/ character driven, mostly through the Penguin, actually, who is my absolute favorite character in the show...having an enemy called "the Penguin" is a big reason I don't care for Batman in the first place, but the guy in the show is really a psychotic-type of way.
    On the downside, the sensuality they try to introduce is gratuitous, but it is a minor part of the show, and seems really forced and uncomfortable for all it comes off as kind of humorous, to me at least. And the kid actors are...kid actors, the Bruce Wayne kid does pretty good, but the Selena Kyle actress is ...I think "stilted" is the word I am seeking.
    In summation: Paeter, if you haven't revisited Gotham, I highly recommend it. Slow start, true, but it gets really good. Here is to hoping it keeps getting better.

  2. I'm guessing I'll give its premiere a shot if it makes it to season 2. Thanks for your perspective on this, Mike! -Paeter


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