My geek bona fides and grace

While I was away on a once-in-a-lifetime tour of the Holy Land, I received a note from Paeter inviting me to write for Christian Geek Central. That invitation, was as I'm sure you all can imagine was just gravy to everything my wife and I were experiencing on our tour, but my very quick response was "absolutely!" This is an amazing honor, one that I realize isn't given out lightly. Since then, there have been many everyday life events (including having to say "goodbye" to our best friend and canine companion of 18 years) that have derailed my attempts at a proper initial post.

So, as I cast about for a suitable way to introduce myself, I thought about listing my geeky bona fides:

I am a geek from way back: watched reruns of STAR TREK, LOST IN SPACE, and THE WILD WILD WEST  on TV as a youngster, and saw STAR WARS that first glorious summer in the theaters;

In the early 1980's, I joined  my eighth-grade SF club where we attended two cons in the same year, and where I met Dave Prowse and Anthony Daniels and George Takei. The club also staged a radio play I wrote that was later published in the school's literary journal. During that same time frame, I was also introduced to first-edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons;

I was a regular reader of STARLOG and OMNI magazines in middle and high school;

I am not totally fluent in comic books, but I am conversant, as there was a nice collection of books at my aunt's house, and when we would visit, I'd spend tons of time reading and re-reading them;

Due to my role-playing experiences, I've played with the Society for Creative Anachronism (known as THL Brother Cleireac of Inisliath) since High School, although with my current work time for that hobby has been non-existent.

I attempted a podcast in 2007 titled GEEK ORTHODOXY. It lasted two episodes, with a very limited release.

I often refer to my wife of 21+ years as "the Princess Bride."

Currently, I write the Geekklesia blog and have a deep interest in bridging the gap for people who want to explore both geeky subjects and their Christian faith. I want people to know its okay to be both a Christian and a geek.

One of the things I appreciate about the SPIRITBLADE UNDERGROUND PODCAST and Christian Geek Central, though is the commitment to truth, and the way the truth is always challenging me.

So, even though I've laid out my "geek cred," I have to remember the words of the Apostle Paul, who similarly laid out his credentials:

"I was circumcised when I was eight days old, and I am from the nation of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin. I am a true Hebrew. As a Pharisee, I strictly obeyed the Law of Moses. And I was so eager that I even made trouble for the church. I did everything the Law demands in order to please God." (Philippians 3:5-6 CEV)

Here he was, with everything going for him in the credential department, but then he lays it all down in the very next breath:

"But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless.  Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ" (Philppians 3:7-8 CEV, emphasis mine).

I can't say I'm there yet. I think on most days I'm a better geek than I am a Believer, but that is where grace comes in, and I have to rely on God's unmerited favor to pick me up and set me back on the path when I fail to live as completely His. But I can honestly say that I want desperately to be known as nothing more than I guy who only wants Christ.

That's it for now, but I do plan on sharing more in the future.


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