Personal Questions I HAD To Answer! (CGC Podcast #792)

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In a different show format than usual, I'm opening the Patron-content vault to share my detailed answers to some very PERSONAL questions about my life and beliefs that I was required to answer in order to become an Elder at my church! Prepare to get to know me and my personal beliefs more than ever before! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:30 Intro 00:03:17 Part 1 (My past experiences of the local church, Doctrinal positions related to "Salvation"/end times/biblical inspiration and my personal habits/relationship to scripture, my positions on church leadership, church growth, worship music style, pastor's roles, missions, youth ministry, the church's role on social/political issues, alcohol, public schools, Christmas/Easter/Halloween, giving, the charismatic movement, church buildings, women in minsitry, divorce & debt.) 01:06:18 Part 2 (My strengths & spiritual gifting, my personal weaknesses, evaluating myself on biblical qualifications for elders, my marriage, what people/things irritate me, relationship with my children, baggage from my past, our finances and giving habits, personal spiritual disciplines and habits, views on sex outside of marriage, potential problems with becoming an elder, when have I been blind-sided, how have I learned submission to people and to the Lord, where I go for counsel, my experience of "Sabbath", frustations with my own spirituality) 01:35:56 On The Next Episode...

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Episodes #0-500 of this podcast were published as "The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast" and are archived and available for download at , Resources used to prepare the "In Search Of Truth" Bible Study include:"Expositor's Bible Commentary", Frank E. Gaebelein General Editor (Zondervan Publishing House),"The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament", by Dr. John H. Walton, Dr. Victor H. Matthews & Dr. Mark W. Chavalas (InterVarsity Press), "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament", by Dr. Craig S. Keener (InterVarsity Press),Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (primarily for search functionality), The Christian Geek Central Statement Of Faith can be found at: The Christian Geek Central Podcast is written, recorded and produced by Paeter Frandsen. Additional segments produced by their credited authors. Logo created by Matthew Silber. Copyright 2007-2024, Spirit Blade Productions. Music by Wesley Devine, Bjorn A. Lynne, Pierre Langer, Jon Adamich, and Sound Ideas. Spazzmatica Polka by Kevin MacLeod ( effects provided by: FreqMan

Submit Questions, Comments or Content(written or audio file) to: paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)com!



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