Titus Frandsen Game Save '22 Fundraising Page

 Hi Friends & Family!

This year I am doing a 6-hour video game Livestream for a fundraiser called "Game Save" to raise donations for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. We're using the platform Tiltify to collect donations and you can find the link to my donation page below.

St. Jude's helps parents who can’t afford the money to pay for their child’s medical care and also learns more about how to help kids with cancer and then shares what they learn with hospitals all over the world.

I'm hoping to raise $300 dollars. I would be grateful if you could donate to help me raise money to help St Jude's help families in need. I would be really excited if you decide to!

If you donate $7 I will dump a cold glass of water on me 2 times. If you donate $15 I will play a game from my collection for 10 min with the controller upside down. If it is a computer game, then I will flip the screen. You can leave a note with your donation telling me what you want. The deadline for these rewards is November 9th!

There are also certain things I will do during my Livestream if I reach certain fundraising amounts by the end of November 9th:

$75: I will eat a full cup of mashed potatoes (one of my least favorite foods.)

$150: I will put on frozen socks

$225: I will put on a frozen T-shirt

$300: I will listen to a fork scratching on a plate for 30 min. (I HATE THAT SOUND!!!)

So if you donate not only are you helping save kids' lives, but you're making me crazy! Donate at the link below!

Remember, my total at the end of November 9th will decide how many of these things I do!

My Livestream will be on Nov. 11th from 3 pm-9 pm Arizona time (2 pm to 8 pm Pacific time) at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5eHAHi8LkKYS7JCw91cBQ

My Donation Page: https://tiltify.com/@titusfrandsen/titus-cgc-game-save-22

Thank you!



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