
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Dangers Of Sexual Sin (Proverbs 6:27-31) - IN SEARCH OF TRUTH


Xbox/Bethesda and Coherence (CGC Podcast #621)

Subscribe in a reader       Open In i-tunes     i-tunes Page Link Reactions to the Microsoft Purchase of Zenimax/Bethesda, Paeter's (final?) deliberations on the choice between Xbox Series X Vs Playstation 5, and spiritual self-examination on the topic of "Hype". Then, a review of the sci-fi movie "Coherence" and a look at some of the dangers of sexual sin as we finish our current look at the book of Proverbs. And at long last, the conclusion of Paeter's "Weekly Waistline" weight-loss endeavor! PLUS, more assorted topics based on your questions, feedback and Paeter's Geek Week! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:30 Intro 00:01:59 Microsoft Buying Zenimax/Bethesda, PS5 Vs. Series X Decision, Hype As A Christian 00:46:46 Coherence Review 00:55:58 CGC & Chr...



Trying To Define "RPG" (Defining RPGs Livestream, Part 2)


Xbox Buys Bethesda, The Console War And Hype!


Spirit Blade, Special Edition $1 Starting October 1st!


PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X (CGC Podcast #620)

Subscribe in a reader       Open In i-tunes     i-tunes Page Link A review for the first three episodes of Netflix' new video game-based anime series, "Dragon's Dogma", a review of the new DC Animated movie "Superman: Man Of Tomorrow", and Paeter's deliberations about the Playstation 5 Vs The Xbox Series X. PLUS, more assorted topics based on your questions, feedback and Paeter's Geek Week(with some brief comments on DC Fandome)! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:30 Intro 00:02:25 Dragon's Dogma Netflix Premiere Review 00:10:43 Superman: Man Of Tomorrow Review 00:24:36 CGC & Christian Geek News 00:39:55 Weekly Waistline 00:54:13 Xbox Series X Vs. PS5: How To Choose 01:35:31 Listener/Viewer Messages (Laughing At Sinful Jokes, Should Christians Create Dark ...

Dragon's Dogma Netflix Premiere (Episodes 1, 2 & 3) - CGC UNCUT REVIEW


PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X: How To Choose


Keeping Imagination Under Control (Proverbs 6:25-26) - IN SEARCH OF TRUTH


Project Power - SPOILER CAR


Superman: Man Of Tomorrow - CGC UNCUT REVIEW


Series X, Ubisoft & Amalur (CGC Podcast #619)

Subscribe in a reader       Open In i-tunes     i-tunes Page Link Reactions to the September Ubisoft Forward event, some thoughts about the problems of villain self-sacrifice in fiction, a review of the first 5 hours of Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-Reckoning on the PS4, how God wants to shape our desires in life as we continue looking at the book of Proverbs, and Paeter interacts with listeners about the price reveals for the Xbox Series X & Xbox Series S, while sharing his current thoughts about which next-gen console he may buy! PLUS, more assorted topics based on your questions/comments/feedback and Paeter's geek week! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:30 Intro 00:03:18 September Ubisoft Forward Reactions 00:20:50 Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-Reckoning PS4 Review (First Imp...

Wasteland 3 and Best Of Un-E3 (CGC Podcast #618)

Subscribe in a reader       Open In i-tunes     i-tunes Page Link ON THIS EPISODE: Paeter's picks for the best games of "Un-E3 2020", a review of the Netflix movie "Freaks: You're One Of Us", first impressions of Wasteland 3 on the PS4, new Christian comics and a video game on our Christian Geek Radar, and how God wants to save us from bad sex as we continue in the book of Proverbs. PLUS, more assorted topics based on your questions/comments/feedback and Paeter's geek week! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:30 Intro 00:05:41 "Best" Games Of Un-E3 2020 00:29:27 Wasteland 3 First Impressions Review 00:39:16 CGC & Christian Geek News 00:51:30 Weekly Waistline 01:08:43 New Christian Comics & Video Game 01:14:05 Netflix' "Freaks: You're One...

The Problems Of Villain Self-Sacrifice - SPECULATIVE FAITH @SpecFaith


Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - PS4 IN-DEPTH REVIEW (First Impressions) #KingdomsOfAmalur #ReReckoning @THQNordic @ReckoningGame


God Wants To Save Us From Bad Sex! (Proverbs 6:20-24) - IN SEARCH OF TRUTH


Netflix "Freaks: You're One Of Us" - CGC UNCUT REVIEW


Best Games Of "Un-E3" 2020! #notE3


Play Games To Help Kids With Us For "Extra-Life"! #forthekids


Christian Comics And Video Game - CHRISTIAN GEEK NEWS RADAR @tecomprendoorg @DOMINIONCOMIC
