Summer of Free Movie Club: 1984

Here is the video of the discussion between Francisco Ruiz, Paul Powers, and Dallas Mora of the Retro Rewind Podcast and Geek Devotions respectively.

The main questions discussed:
  1. Some of the Ingsoc mottos like "war is peace" and "freedom is slavery" are examples of Orwell's doublethink conception, and are used as tools for brainwashing the populace. How are Jesus's statements like "For whoever would save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matt 16:25), or Peter and Paul's writings about being set free to be slaves to God(Romans 6:22, 1 Peter 2:16), valid, while Ingsoc's are not?
  2. Would it be valuable to see a sequel or retelling of this film from the government's perspective?
  3. Orwell was writing 1984 as a possible future that could occur in his own lifetime - in kind do you think the tribulation will happen in your life time or after?
  4. If you grew up in the church, did you ever have doubts about what you learned about God, almost as though you weren't learning who God really was?
Hope you can join us next month as we discuss 1998's Godzilla!


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