
Showing posts from June, 2015

Final Push For "Operation: Compassion"!

If the time got away from you and it just won't be possible to schedule an Agape Geekout for "Operation: Compassion", please consider a small donation through our link at before the end of June!

Is Faith "Illogical"? (SBU Podcast)

The official podcast of Christian Geek Central!  ( ) PLEASE NOTE: The mp3 file links for this post are outdated. To listen to this episode please visit  The SBU Podcast Archives.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Free Games, more of Paeter's Bookshelf and an examination of whether or not faith in God is "illogical".

Pen and Paper RPG Scan

Fantasy Flight Games, Force and Destiny Beginner Game ($29.95) The Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game is the perfect entry into the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying experience for players of all skill levels. With its complete, learn-as-you-go adventure, players can open the box, ignite their lightsabers, and explore their destinies as Force users in the Star Wars galaxy. Pre-generated character folios keep the rules right at your fingertips, while custom dice and an exciting narrative gameplay system advance your story with every roll. The Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game includes: 1 32-page Adventure Book, 1 48-page Rulebook, and 1 Introduction Sheet 4 Full-Color Character Folios 1 Full-Color Double-Sided Foldout Map 14 Custom Dice 8 Destiny Tokens and 55 Character Tokens Goodman Games, Lankhmar - Through Ningauble's Cave ($9.99) Tread in the footsteps of the legendary Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Through Ningauble’s Cave is the first r...

Bookshelf Tour, Part 3 - INSIDE PAETER'S BRAIN


Is Faith "Illogical Captain"? - THE TRUTH IS IN THERE


Schedule Your Agape Geekout For This Weekend!

If you haven't scheduled your Agape Geekout for "Operation: Compassion" yet, this weekend would be a great time for it! It could be as simple as inviting a few friends over for something geeky and asking for just a few dollars in donation to help children out of poverty and cultures of self-destruction. It's also a great way to exercise those social muscles that God wants "hermit-geeks" like me to develop, and can also give your church a positive experience with geeks! There is so much good that can come out of YOUR Agape Geekout. Help make "Operation: Compassion" the start of something great and God-honoring at Christian Geek Central!

E3 2015 Reactions (SBU Podcast)

The official podcast of Christian Geek Central!  ( ) PLEASE NOTE: The mp3 file links for this post are outdated. To listen to this episode please visit  The SBU Podcast Archives.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Thoughts and reactions regarding announcements from E3 2015!

"How Jesus Is Different From Video Games" or "E3 2015 Highlights And Final Thoughts" - I LIKE GAMES


Classic Who: Vengeance on Varos review

It's been a while since I lasted posted here, but since that was to review The Five Doctors , I should probably return to the Whoniverse with a look at the classic Doctors who came after. I don't have good memories of the Colin Baker years. Having been introduced to Who by the much-loved Tom Baker, and then growing up to the utterly likeable Fifth Doctor, number Six was something of an unwelcome change. The fact that he was followed by  Sylvester McCoy's (also utterly likeable) Doctor hasn't done our Col any favours either. However, coming back to him in the wider context of Who history, I think I may have done him a disservice. There's no denying that the wardrobe department did their best to make him memorable for all the wrong reasons, some of his companions were eye candy at best, and then there was Trial of a Time Lord, which I epically disliked at the time; but for all that, I don't think it's fair to blame Colin Baker or his rendition of the Docto...

"EA Says We Need Salvation?" or "EA, Square-Enix And Ubisoft E3 2015 Reactions" - I LIKE GAMES


"Sony Sucked And Nintendo Loves Shinto?" or "Sony And Nintendo E3 2015 Reactions" - I LIKE GAMES


"How Microsoft Points Us To Jesus" or "Microsoft E3 2015 Reactions" - I LIKE GAMES


"Why Christians Can Celebrate Fallout 4" or "E3 Fallout 4 Reactions" - I LIKE GAMES


Is DOOM Too Evil For Christians To Play? - I LIKE GAMES


Jurassic World Review and E3 Wishlist (SBU Podcast)

The official podcast of Christian Geek Central!  ( ) PLEASE NOTE: The mp3 file links for this post are outdated. To listen to this episode please visit  The SBU Podcast Archives.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Why Jurassic World "Jumps(to eat) the Shark" and some unrealistic dreams for E3.

Agape Geekout Live Stream (9am-Midnight, Pacific)

Watch live video from christiangeekcentral on

"Jurassic World Sucks" or "Jumping (to eat) The Shark" - CGC UNCUT REVIEW


"E3 2015 Wishlist" or "Increasingly Unreasonable Rant" - I LIKE GAMES


Crossover Alliance Vision And Indiegogo Campaign

For the longest time, a good portion of Christian fiction has had a negative stigma, particularly with non-Christians. Many Christians believe Christian fiction should be G or PG rated, injected with a very strong message of forgiveness, with Christ mentioned somewhere in the novel. They also believe that the story should veer away from offending others or causing a stir. Because of this, many non-Christians have looked on Christian fiction as a genre to steer away from because of its preachy and sometimes unrealistic nature. To add insult to injury, Christian publishers add to this stigma by building their publishing guidelines around the same formula, severely limiting the variety of unique stories they allow to pass through their gates.

"Agape Arcade Livestream" This Saturday!


Enclave Publishing Fall 2015 Releases

The covers for their fall releases are available to check out right now!

Thoughts on Tomorrowland and Mad Max: Fury Road

On Memorial Day weekend, I was able to pull off a rare treat for myself: I got to see two movies, as it was Memorial Day and I had the time.  My wife and I together went to see Tomorrowland , and then on Monday I soloed at Mad Max: Fury Road (while she went to see Age of Adeline ). The two films together are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to our possible futures.  On the one hand, Tomorrowland wistfully presents us with the possibility thaht our future can be bright, hopeful and full of promise, while the latest installment (NOT reboot) of the Mad Max franchise is as far to the other side of the spectrum as one can get: dark, grim, violent, uncertain in morals or promise of a better life. Most reviews of Tomorrowland I have seen have not been positive. They seem to focus on the positive message of the film. When I was a kid, this was the future I was promised: gleaming skyscrapers, high-speed monorails, jetpacks and flying cars.  As I grew up, I disc...

Free Video Game Sites - CGC SUMMER OF FREE
