An introduction to The Sci-Fi Christian Podcast

I've heard it said that what we despise most in other people is what we despise about ourselves. 
I love these guys that I'm about to introduce to you, today, but sometimes I see my own flaws reflected back at me. What do I mean? Well, unlike the previous introductions, Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono of The Sci-Fi Christian were very succinct in their answers. I actually had a little bit of sympathy for all my teachers who tried to coax a little more out of my essays over the years. 
Having said that, it is my great pleasure to introduce these guys. Matt Anderson is probably not going to be a stranger to anyone who follows geeky Christian podcasts. He has a segment of Comic Book Time Machine with CGC's Ben Avery and Daniel Butcher, and was in both episodes of the supposedly-not-defunct Crossover Nexus. Matt is the perfect foil for the more ...let's call it "scholarly" ;) antics of Ben De Bono. 
If you love literature that MEANS something, Ben is your guy. If saying "pretty good" just isn't "good enough" is your motto, Ben is your guy. If fluffy tails and incisors make your day...well, you'll have to listen to understand.

The Sci-Fi Christian podcast is, shall we say "prolific"... as of this writing there are 341 episodes out. I'd tell you how long they are, but they run the gamut; five minutes, over an hour... yep, they are all in there someplace. I'd say, on average, there are about 2 episodes a week. 
So without further ado, I give you Matt and Ben and twenty questions.

1:How would you label your show? 
Ben:We cover theology and pop culture from angles you’re not likely to find elsewhere. You might not always agree with us, but we’ll make you think 
Matt: Christians talking about sci-fi and pop culture things.  Sometimes the conversations are philosophical, and sometimes they are more easy to absorb. 

2:What are your favorite topics? 
Ben:Sci-fi and Christianity, usually some combination thereof
Matt:  The TV Show, LOST; literature; film; parallel universes; time travel; philosophy; theology

3:Who does most of the talking on your podcast? 
Ben:Depends on the topic but probably me
Matt:  My co-host, Ben De Bono.

 4:Do you like interacting with the listeners? 
Matt:  Yes, we feature listener feedback in one episode every week, although we release about two episodes a week. 

5:You are a geek, tell me, how do you ‘own’ it? 
Ben:I run a geek podcast. That seems to get the word out there 
Matt:  If people don't know that I have a Sci-Fi/Theology podcast, they usually find out I'm a geek through my movie choices.

6:As a Christian how do you ‘own’ that? 
Ben:I run a Christian podcast. That seems to get the word out there 
Matt:  I am a part of an awesome faith community that holds me accountable when it comes to living intentionally for God and showing Christ's love to others.

7:You get a Star Trek replicator, is there a meal you get more than any other, or do you branch out and try new things? 
Ben:Prime rib sounds good 
Matt:  I would eat a lot of Chick-Fil-A and Olive Garden.

8:What is your favorite color? 
Matt:  I like orange and red, but today I feel like my favorite color is yellow.

9:Are e-sports sports? 
Ben:No. That’s not to say they don’t involve real skill, but it’s not athletic skill 
Matt:  No.

10:Marvel or DC? 
Matt:  Marvel.

11:Can you disprove a negative? 
Ben:Absolutely. Just prove the related positive 
Matt:  Probably.  I bet Ben De Bono could do it.

12:What is your favorite fast-food or ff joint? 
Ben:Buffalo Wild Wings 
Matt:  Chick-Fil-A

13:Can you give 110%? 
Matt:  I can't.

14:What is your biggest obstacle to podcasting? 
Ben:Time is always tough but we have a good system 
Matt:  Thinking too much about episode topics and what we could do to make the show better.  I lay in bed thinking about the podcast all the time.

15:Star Trek or Star Wars? 
Ben:Star Wars but both are overrated 
Matt:  Star Wars

16:If you could have any automobile, what would you take? 
Ben:Cars don’t really do it for me so whatever is reliable and cheap 
Matt:  A DeLorean or the Batmobile from the 1960s TV show

17:Take your choice, too hot or too cold? 
Ben:Too cold 
Matt:  Too cold.

18:Pepsi or Coke? 
Matt:  Pepsi.

19:What, aside from your podcast, would you like the readers to know more about? 
Ben:Classical literature, though I suppose we manage to work that in for the podcast 
Matt:  -Matt left this blank..IT'S THE PODCAST OR NOTHING, so you'd better listen to it.

20:Do you think 20 is an appropriate number of questions for an interview/survey? 
Matt:  Yes.

If these questions seem familiar... I originally had the idea that everyone would get the same questions, so we could compare all the answers directly, and the Sci-Fi Christian was one of the first podcasts I wrote to.
Today's links
The Sci-Fi Christian  
Comic Book Time Machine 
Crossover Nexus


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