Story: "The Spigot" by David N. Alderman Genre: Science Fiction, Apocalyptic, Horror, Strange Rating: PG-13 A father and his daughter try to survive after the fall of Earth amidst the darkness... the darkness that is worse than the darkness. Credits: "The Spigot - A Post Black Earth Story" by David N. Alderman The Crossover Alliance Works by David N. Alderman: The Black Earth Series The Expired Reality Series The Crossover Alliance Anthology Submissions Co-Host: Ben Avery What Makes Christian Fiction Good? (CROSSOVER feat. Nathan James Norman) — SA111 Strangers and Aliens Podcast Crossover Nexus Podcasts Sound Effects Attribution: nofeedbak , soundslikewillem , acclivity , Julien Nicolas , ShawnyBoy , Rock Savage , maximusdragonus , studiorat , kim.headlee , jongrubbs , suonho , HolyMatt123 , trip_sound , Timbre , djgriffin , qubodup , mpfeiffer , Bratok999 , thanvannispen , ni...