CGC Forums Highlight

If you haven't been to the Christian Geek Central Forums in awhile, or you've never visited before, here's a taste of what's been buzzing around the boards lately.

Guilty Pleasures: As geeks we're used to hiding our geekiness from normal folks. But what normal things about you do you not share with geeky folks? We're sharing our guilty pleasures that are so normal and mundane they may risk our credibility as geeks!

Scariest Movies: We're trading horror stories and listing the movies that may not necessarily be our favorite scary films, but most effectively scared the pants off of us!

Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Varying opinions abound as we continue talking about the strengths and weaknesses of the most highly anticipated new geek TV show of this fall!

These are just a few recent topics that have been getting us talking. We'd love it if you joined the conversation!


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