The Night Angel Trilogy, Brent Weeks (Book Review)
I believe this will mark the first time I've done a book review using the same rating system that I use for movies. I usually don't read books or fantasy series until they are complete and available in paperback. By that time I feel like I've "missed the boat" already and lose motivation to write a review. But a few months ago I took a chance on a new author named Brent Weeks, who published his first trilogy completely in paperback and in three consecutive months. (A brilliant marketing scheme on his part!) The Night Angel Trilogy is comprised of the books "The Way Of Shadows", "Shadow's Edge" and "Beyond The Shadows". It is sword and sorcery fantasy with possibly the darkest tone I have yet read in this genre. Although the trilogy features an ensemble cast of characters, it centers on Kylar Stern, a mystical super assassin called a "wetboy". The trilogy starts with his humble beginnings as a member of ...