Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince (Movie Review)

Although I read and enjoyed the Harry Potter books, I'm not a fan by any means and ultimately have found the stories forgettable. Still, whenever a "Potter" movie comes out, I make it a priority to see it, as a fan of the fantasy genre. As the books and movies advanced, I've appreciated the darker, more mature themes and story elements and this movie was no exception.

Character performances were some of the best yet, as Harry, Ron and Hermione continue to grow, along with the actors portraying them. Though I'd imagine these actors would not be cast in their roles if the studio decided to find all new actor's today, their lack of the usual Hollywood polish almost serves as a reminder of what real kids are like at this age: A little awkward and lacking that artificial charm that embodies far too many characters in American films.

Since my memories of the book are dim at best, I feel I can basically review this flick as a fresh observer. It had some wonderful effects put to good use and each scene held my attention. But the whole is somewhat less than the sum of it's parts. When the movie is over, I feel as though I really only needed to see the last 30 minutes or so. Though the love triangle subplots were carried out charmingly, they served no purpose in advances the overall "Potter Mythos". And despite the title of the film, the revelation of the identity of the "Half Blood Prince" seemed irrelevant. If the title were based on the events given focus in the film, I would rename it "Harry Potter And The Teenage Love Triangles Plus Somethin' Bad Happens Near The End".

Action was sparse in this flick, especially compared to the last two films in the series. Magic was also lacking. In many ways, this story could have been about normal kids. For a "fantasy" movie, it could have been much more "fantastic".

Virtually nothing of social, moral or cosmic relevance jumped out at me in this movie. I'd be surprised if viewing it led to any meaningful conversation afterward. From a "love potion theme in the film, someone might pull out a brief reference to love and it's difference from infatuation (which Hollywood and pop culture confuse a lot) but you'd have to work pretty hard to arrive at that topic after this movie is done.

In the end, I greatly hope for some deleted scenes on the DVD that focus on plot elements serving the greater narrative of the franchise. This movie does not stand well on its own. It starts in the aftermath of the last film and leans heavily into the next film. At least in the last 30 minutes or so.

Rated PG for scary images, some violence, language and mild sensuality

Quality: 8.0/10

Relevance: 5.5/10


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