Beyond The Cosmos (Book Review)
"How can my choices be totally ‘free’ if God is in control of all things at all times and knows the end from the beginning?" "How can God really be both Three and One at the same time?" "How could Jesus’ suffering, over a finite period of time, pay for the lives of millions of sinners who would otherwise be worthy of eternal punishment?" Anyone who has ever thought deeply about these issues, or who likes to think imaginatively, yet logically "outside the box", will enjoy reading "Beyond The Cosmos". Astronomer Hugh Ross uses recent discoveries in astrophysics to reveal logical responses to these questions, and for the most part, he greatly succeeds. Although the first two chapters may be intimidating and even difficult reading for those who aren’t good with math (yeah, that’s me I’m talking about), the book quickly settles into an easier read by chapter 3 or 4. Recent discoveries in mathematics and astrophysics reveal the exis...